Next month my sister and I are headed back to Art & Soul a.ka.a "Craft Camp" for the second year. One of the things that people do at A&S is bring trades to well, duh, trade with people. They can be anything from ATC's (Artist Trading Cards), charms, necklaces, beads whatever. Last year I made shrinky dinks charms and magnets which some people enjoyed, others looked down on (well just one woman who refused to trade with me - bitch.) And my leftover trades made their way to the very appreciative hands of my SnB'ers. My sister made totally cute paper dolls made of recycled boxes.
At one point I thought of knitting teeny sweaters but to be honest that was just going to take more time than I have so I went with the cute but easy project of fabric covered button magnets. I came across the tutorial and handy, dandy online supply store jcaroline creative. I swear she makes me want to go trolling thrift stores just looking for chairs to re-cover.
If these magnets get scoffed at some of y'all may be getting little treats at SnB meetings in mid-May.
I feel like a terrible person, but I almost hope the mean people at craft camp scoff at your button magnets. Because I loooove them.
I'm with them... I'm hoping that the ladies at craft camp have really bad taste!
God I hope that only terrible, terrible people go there! Horrible people who kick puppies and throw away perfectly good chocolate.
... Um... did I go too far?
Actually, in all seriousness, we should have an Alternate SnB night where we only do crafts. I do a very similar fridge magnet craft with those clear pebble things that you put at the bottom of fish tanks, cute circular images cut from magazines and magnets. They're fun! I'd love to make some of these, too. And I really do hope you have fun, I'mma have to look into this craft camp.
everyone else pretty much said exactly what i was thinking- i hope no one wants your magnets so i can have them ALL!!!!!!!!
I totally want to learn how to make those!
Shame you can't come to book club.
I lurve the magnets! I want all of them for myself!
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