First Lisa and I took a trip to the craft store where we went a little crazy picking up some supplies.
We did some tried and true classics like corn husk dolls jersey loop potholders, god's eyes and gimp lanyards (somehow managed to not snap a picture of the lanyards or god's eyes - I blame the Moscow Mules Lisa mixed up instead of taking responsibility for my slacking off on photo-taking)
I was disappointed when I had gone to the supermarket in preparation for craft day and they didn't have a macaroni letters. So I had to decorate my picture frame with this new fangled sparkly letters instead. But on the plus side, I was able to sneak some googly eyes on them.
Then our new pompom pals took a stroll in the backyard to sun themselves on a leaf and make some new friends.
A simply great day with wonderful weather, tasty food and drink, amazing company and googly eyes. Really what else could a girl ask for? I am thinking a second session of camp may be in order since this one was so much fun and we still have 990 popsicle sticks to use up!
Awesome! Love the pictures, and I'm so glad you guys came over. I will have a picture of my tiara as soon as it's finished!
I want to play at Camp LiSaLa! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
Can't wait to see what comes of the 990 popsicle extravaganza!!
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