I have been a bad, bad blogger. At first I didn't blog because I hadn't taken any photos of my knitting in progress. Then I realized that my next post, this post, would be my 100th. That's a cause for celebration, a momentous moment. There should be balloons, confetti, something. But alas I have nothing special prepared. Maybe I'll do something for my 111th post, I like repeating numbers.
So what have I been up to in this past month? Not too much knitting. I am working on a lace-y scarf for my mom for mother's day but I have to say I am not enthralled by it. But the good thing is that I have gotten back in gear what it comes to going to the gym. A few of my knittas have joined my gym and we've actually been meeting up and going! That really is the hard part for me - going, I am the queen of excuses but I would never bail on someone else (only myself, hmmmm.)
I promise to get back into the blogging spirit for the month of May.